Friday, September 28, 2007

Kitima-Feeling groovy

Starting a triathlon blog in the throes of off-season is like starting a movie trilogy with the prequel. The main characters have yet to be seized with great ambition or unrelenting angst toward a seemingly unachievable goal. The villians and demons haven't hatched. The journey ahead is...well, what journey?
Yep, my first Ironman happened 8 weeks ago. I've taken that last 2 months to process what happened that day and all the days leading up to it and have set new goals for the 2008 season. I've also slowly and happily rejoined the rest of the world, tending to projects and bathrooms neglected from the training. One of those projects is reconnecting with dirt--as in mountain biking and trail running...maybe some yardwork (ahh, who am I kidding?). No HR monitors, powermeters, bike computers---just cleaning the steepest part of the climb and staying shiny side up while jumping over logs. Hearing chickadees and woodpeckers in the trees has been a lovely respite from concentrating on pedalling efficiency, cadence, and perceived exertion. Don't get me wrong...I do miss the regimented training and being in shape for Ironman. But for now, it's wonderful to be unstructured and feeling groovy.

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