Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Marian, July 17th, 2007

Well, Ironman is just a few days away. Who would have though, the time actually flew by. My left knee has been quite sore. I tried doing a 45 minute bike ride and had to stop at 20 minutes. I will get ART on it Thursday before i leave and hope it holds up for Sunday. I'll probably take some Advil on the bike with me.
I've been having the strange dreams of things going wrong like there is no more Gatorade left at Wegmans and I end up paying 7 dollars a bottle for Gatorade out of some back room in a dirty gas station. The other one was of getting to lake placid and realizing I forgot my helmet and camelback. Other dreams are of running through kids park, swingset and all. Don't know what that means.
I'm very nervous about my stomach not holding up all day. I'm in constant state of anxiety which is making things worse. I need Sunday to be here sooner.

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