Sunday, March 9, 2008

Wolf! Wolf! Wolf!

All winter the local news and meteorologists have been hysterical over every front with precipitation. Oh, this is the big one! Better stock up on canned goods and bottled water--a snowy apocalypse is upon us! Schools close. All of my patients over 65 years old cancel their appointments. We await the hell from above...only to have a mere dusting of flakes or some slush that melts by noon.

Yep, by March, I was quite jaundiced with winter storm warnings and thought very little of this one over the weekend. I grumbled to my patients on Friday,"What kind of snow advisory lasts for 40 hours? Enough is enough already!" We talked about the bluebirds I saw and the impending springtime.

Well it looks like those f---ers got it right this time. We got snowed up and snowed in. And what timing! The frozen Armageddon came at the peak of my absolute disgust with running outside in this cold and windy weather. I was in fulminant weather weeniedom. There's been a paucity of snow this winter and an abundance of wind which makes for no escaping to the trails with snowshoes--just HTFU and nature's dermabrasion out on the roads. Which brings me to the my vote for the HTFU award of the winter training season: Kevy Wevy. He's been consistently suiting up and running in this crap for weather all winter because we're too cheap to belong to a gym or buy a treadmill. God bless him for his dedication to his triathlon goals and what it takes to achieve them. If anyone deserves a PR, Clearwater/Half Max/Kona spot, or a place on the podium, it's my darling Kevin. If I blow up or choke somewhere on the Eagleman run, I know that part of it is due winter weather weeniedom.

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