Monday, January 1, 2007

Jackie D - Week 15

Week 15 - starting Monday 25 December 2006

Well what a week! Thank goodness it was a recovery week and thank goodness Christmas Day was a day off. Having felt fine for the Christmas Eve morning run, by 7pm that evening I was throwing my guts up. This lasted all through the night and I felt so ill all Christmas Day that I just couldn’t get out of bed even to open a pressie or watch the kids play. I am pretty sure that I had this gastro-intestinal bug that they mentioned on the news. I haven’t thrown up for years and I don’t like it, I can tell you that!
Anyway after a good nights sleep on the 25th I finally got up around 11am on the Tuesday. Weak, feeble, shaky and nowhere near 100% is how I would best describe it. Decided it would be pretty stupid to do my 30 min run and 30 min bike that day, short though they were. I took the dog out for a short walk to test how I was feeling but I only made it about 20mins in total and that was me done for!
On Wednesday we were heading up to Niagara Falls for a few days at the indoor waterpark up there so I was very relieved to be feeling much better. I went out for a very easy, slow run of 30mins before we left and I struggled on the way back so I know I couldn’t have gone further or faster.
My week had been planned for me being away, so the rest of the week was dotted with some short runs of various types and I managed to do these whilst on the trip. Got home in time to do the Sunday morning group run along the canal - only an hour for me this week.

All in all, because it was such a light week I only actually ended up missing a 30min bike. Not bad considering. I also learnt to listen to my body and that I am able to say no and not push myself if it doesn’t feel right. Timing was actually very good for a recovery week.

Of course the positive side of being ill is that I didn’t gorge myself with all the Christmas “unhealthy” foods - well not until the weekend anyway when I seem to have made up for my few pounds weight loss and added some!


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