Monday, April 2, 2007

marian, April 2nd, 2007

Yesterday we ran the Srping Forward at mendon Ponds park. there were a lot from Train This there and other friends that came out to do the race. I realized this morning that my pace was 9:06. I'm very happy with that since I felt really good during the whole thing. i started slow during the first 5 miles and then sped up a little. It helped a ton knowing the course, since we've been running it every weekend for a couple of months now. After I was not too tired and my stomach held up. I had breakfast about one and a half hours before, about 500 calories. during the race at mile 6 I had one packet of GU and water. Nothing bothered me and I did not feel "slushy".
This week is recovery week, which is nice because my sherpa is in texas which means I have to cook for myself now, booh.

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