Monday, June 11, 2007

Marian, June 11th, 2007

What a great end to a bad week. Last week started pretty bad. I was very tired and after loading up on antihistamines was having a very hard time getting anything done. It was also a very stressful week at work and at home with the whole moving thing. I knew it was bad when I sat ont he deck steps at 9pm crying because I hardly got any workouts in, the posting of the house was not showing up online, my boss and one of my co workers got into an argument that day (when your part of a staff of three, it's a big deal), I was told I have to start going three times a week again to the chiropractor and for some reasons one of my new plants I planted out front is dying. Well that last one seemed to push me over the edge. Rolando suggested I just go sign up for Keuka and concentrate on that which would get my mind off of everything else. So, I did that. Went for run on Friday but sat in my swimsuit watching the weather report to decide I wasn't driving to Canandaigua with the storm coming. Did nothing on Sarturday, just sat outside watching the people of the community garage sale and talked to some neighbors I had never even met. Got up early on Sunday for Keuka. I picked up Jay at his house since he was riding back he needed a ride down. I felt really good afetr the swim which was a lot warmer than last year and Dana and I did the whole thing side by side, not on purpose, it just worked out that way. I felt good on the bike and started the run. Halfway on the run, I caught up to Chris and we ran the last three miles together. When I saw the clock at the finish line, I got very excited, I finished 11 minutes faster than last year. I think it was mostly on the bike but I haven't checked my splits yeat. I don't wear a watch at any race because I'll obsess over it and go to hard and burn out. So, I got home feeling pretty good about myself, had a beer and pizza and took a nap. Perfect Sunday afternoon.

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