Sunday, June 3, 2007

Marian, June 3rd, 2007

What a great weekend. Yesterday, we biked twice around Canandaigua Lake: That's Miller Hill twice. The second time was very much a mental climb. I had to really dig deep and convince myself that I could go up. I concentrated on Dana's feet and tried to keep her cadence, because if I looked at the road ahead I would not have made it up. We finished the second loop 8 minutes faster than the first one. that felt good, specially since on the second loop, the air temp was 87 degrees. My knees were a little sore at the end of the ride so Mary said to ice them. It helped a lot.
This morning tha Title Nine Tea Party met up at Dana's house for a run. We were all running diffrent distances so I had Rolando drop me off and then ran home at the end. This run soon became an Animal Planet TV show when just a few minutes into the run a chipmunk was crossing the road and was hit by a car. It was still alive and had one eye popping out of it's head. We knew what we had to do. Kitima thankfully offered to end it's missery and stepped on it. Soon after, we saw a turtle crossing the road. We went to push it out the way but it was almost on the other side so it really did not need any help. Then we saw another snapping turtle crossing the road. This one was going right into the path of oncoming traffic. We sprinted as fast as we could, which was not very fast at this point, and a car was able to go around it. The turtle was getting quite aggresive. We knew the only way to move it would be to push it we a stick. We ran across the road, grabbed a small fallen branch. By this point it was really mad. Gently poking it was not doing the trick, it was not moving. So, Kitima reminded us of a saying from her orthopedic surgery lessons: "If you applied force and it didn't work, youd did not applied enough" (somethig like that)She tried to push it harder, the turtle turned around, bit the stick and almost broke it, it latched on and would not let go. That's how it got dragged back into the safety of the brush.
The rest of the day was pretty uneventfull. Can't wait until next week

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