Wednesday, February 6, 2008

That Which Survives

Last year's Ironman training hit an all-time high in volume from May through the beginning of taper (about the end of June). I remember being tired all the time. Physically, I barely had enough energy after work and training to do the minimal amount of housework to keep living conditions just above abject squalor. Mentally, my patience could barely withstand the everyday rudeness and negativity. So my survival strategy was to ask Kevin to pitch in with chores and avoid negative people/situations. Of course, the Kevster came through and put my inner June-Cleaver-Gone-Loonie-Tunes to rest. Also, I found that I lost touch with some "friends" because I didn't have the mental fortitude to tolerate their gloomy disposition. You know these people: On a good day, they suck about 90% of the fun from the atmosphere. On a bad day, they suck 90% of your will to live. I felt badly about avoiding these friends because they really had some good reasons for being so down: relationship problems, training injuries, money woes. I wanted to be there for them as a good and reliable friend. However, sometimes their coping strategies would be to remind me of my problems or prior mistakes to make themselves feel better. Like I said, on a good day it would just bounce off of me. But after working a busy week with weekends booked with long rides and runs, there was no bounce left.

It reminds me of the USS Enterprise--yes, from Star Trek. Yeah, I can hear it--the Geek Alert is on Red. Anyhoo, the deflector shields of Captain James T. Kirk and his crew's beloved ship can only take so many hits before Scotty starts wailing from the engine room. The USS Enterprise is a research vessel that's been retrofitted and armed like a warship. I don't think it flies around the galaxy with its shields up all the time--it just uses its weapons when it needs to defend itself. I'd like to think that I'm cruising through space checking out new places and people the same way. [Okay, maybe not like Capt. JTK who's always looking to schtoop every alien chick out there. ] I'd like to think I'm going through my day with an open heart that's not completely helpless. There's a line that needs to be drawn between helping those who ability to take seems limitless and self preservation. I think that line is defined by one's own vulnerability.
What does this have to do with triathlon? I don't know. I think I just wanted to write about Star Trek.

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