Saturday, December 16, 2006

Jackie D - Week 8

Week 8- starting Monday 6 November 2006

Recovery week.

My arms have been sore for a few days after the mid week Total Body Conditioning class which is great as that means I am getting stronger.

I started feeling a bit unwell on Friday and that combined with the fact that the kids were off school (forgot to plan that into the workout schedule) meant I decided to push the gym session to Saturday. I love the psychological benefit of having lots of workouts at beginning of week with day off on weekends because it always means I can reschedule without messing up the week too much.

Well, on Saturday I didn’t feel too good either. In fact it is Saturday right now and I am struggling with myself on the guilt vs. rest argument. I am sure I have read in loads of articles that if the “illness” is above the neck it is OK to train but below the neck then rest. Well, I have a chest full of phlegm so think probably the latter for me. Will wait and see how I feel later maybe.

I started logging my eating this week, partly out of curiosity and partly because bad habits are beginning to sneak back in and I owe a few $’s to the kids for chocolate eating! I have noticed some useful things like how I eat rubbish stuff when I am tired and also how I snack badly in the evening (maybe related?). I am just at the stage of assimilating data at the moment before I give myself any ‘targets”. I know HOW to eat healthily - years of dieting and nutrition as part of my physiology degree took care of that but the practice is sometimes harder.

.. Final note for the week… I felt better by Saturday afternoon so went and did my gym session with no bad effects. That result meant I was happy to go on the group trail run on the Sunday morning which ended the training week for me.
I am really enjoying these group runs and we are not the only mad people out early on a Sunday morning in the rain. I tried Hammergel this morning just before the run and had no ill effects from that so am gaining confidence that I will be able to use gels. Chocolate flavour gets my vote so far.

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